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Over the past few weeks Clement Shehiza has been sending me many messages to the point where I found it was becoming too overwhelming. It was impossible to respond to each and every one as they arrived and Clement became concerned that I wasn't keeping up. However I did subsequently send a very long reply covering all the points he had raised and I now hope we are on an even keel. He has just retired from his government position as an educational officer so it seems he has a lot more spare time on his hands.

He isn't yet able to draw his pension being just 60 years of age and therefore has no regular income. Fortunately his demonstration permaculture gardens are very productive and are now returning good profits and have become his main source of income

His support for orphans has diminished and he is particularly concerned about a young lad called Rashid Tendu who lost both his parents at a young age. Clement supported him during his school years where he proved to be very bright and has now been offered a place at a pharmaceutical college. He is looking for sponsors to pay for the three years course and wondered if we could help. Unfortunately the membership of the Tenbury/Maramba link committee has dropped to the point where we can no longer organise fund raising events to help with this type of request.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby recently paid a visit to Zanzibar where he led a service in the church at Mkanazini which created a lot of excitement. Archbishop Maimbo and his entourage were very much in attendance.

Claire Lording is much loved in Maramba following her visits there. She asked me to pass on the very sad news that she has been diagnosed with cancer. I know that her friends out there will certainly keep her in their thoughts and prayers

Peter Metcalfe.

Updated 01/07/2024