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Tuesday begins the “Great O’s” - in which we traditionally count down the last seven days of Advent by reflecting on some of the Messianic titles derived from Old Testament scripture. This begins with O Sapientia (O Wisdom) on Tuesday.

Pray that amid the noise and glitter of the countdown to Christmas in the wider world, on our high streets and even at church or in school, we may fine time and space to meditate on “the reason for the season” - the gift of the Christ Child, and his call to us to open our hearts to his love.

Tuesday also remembers Eglantyne Jebb. At the end of the First World War she founded Save the Children, to bring relief to children caught up in famine in Germany and Austria-Hungary. She was also a tireless campaigner for children’s rights and drafted the document that was to become the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Pray for the work of Save the Children today, in some 115 countries worldwide.

Wednesday is kept as International Migrants Day. The word “migrant” has become a very negative one in recent times: migration is seen widely in terms of problem. Other though leave the UK each year to work elsewhere or to retire elsewhere. The UN Secretary-General António Guterres has said: “Migration is a powerful driver of economic growth, dynamism and understanding. It allows millions of people to seek new opportunities, benefiting communities of origin and destination alike.” Pray for those who arrive here, and for those who leave, in search of new opportunities and a better life.


St Michael’s - Carol service Saturday 14th at 6.30pm with the ever-popular Birmingham University Singers on their annual visit.
Boraston Candlelight Carol Service 22nd December 4.30pm
Burford Family Service 22nd December 10.00am
Hope Bagot Carol Service 22nd December 4.30pm
Tenbury Wells Carol Service 22nd December 4.00pm.
Tenbury Wells Christingle Service 24th December 4.00pm.
St Michaels Crib Service 24th December 3.00pm.
Whitton 24th December 9.00pm Carols & HC.