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George Herbert is remembered this week, as an inspirational writer, several of whose poems remain sung as hymns, and as a faithful and thoughtful country parson.

Pray for vocations to rural ministry today, and for Christian poets and hymn writers whose work enriches our faith and enables our worship.

Pray for all who experience eating disorders of various kinds, particularly those for whom this is a real danger to their physical health. Pray for better understanding, and for those who are able to counsel and support.

Pray for those places within our communities where new homes are being built, in both towns and villages: for those moving in, perhaps from other parts of the country, as they settle and integrate, for sufficient affordable homes to ensure young families can get onto the housing ladder, and for churches to rise to the challenge of making creative contact with new arrivals.

Pray for all who are involved in amateur theatre, for local am-dram groups, for those who teach theatre skills in our schools and colleges, and also for those who arrange outings to the professional theatre.

Saturday this week is Self Harm Awareness Day. This is the intentional act of harming or injuring our body, perhaps done at times of intense stress or unhappiness. Self-harm is not always obvious - it also includes such things as substance abuse, our relationship with eating (see above), or deliberately acting in a way that puts oneself in danger Pray for better understanding of this difficult area of human activity and mental disorder, and for those who self harm to be able to access sources of advice, care and refuge.

Saturday is also St David’s Day: pray for the people and churches of Wales, for our sisters and brothers of the Church in Wales, and for the Welsh parishes and churches that fall within our own diocese. May we take to heart the saint’s closing words to his brothers - 'Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things that you have heard and seen me do.