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The feeding of the five thousand (today’s Gospel reading) is the only miracle recorded in all four of the Gospels in the New Testament, and there are suggestions that its real meaning lies deep below the surface. In none of the accounts is it directly said that Jesus multiplies the loaves and fishes.

In Mark’s account (largely replicated, unsurprisingly, in Matthew’s Gospel (see 14:13ff)), the language reminds us time again of the Last Supper and the breaking of Bread in the early church (see Mark 6:41 and 14:22). In Luke, it looks forward to the Messianic Feast which will be consummated ‘when he comes’ (see 1 Corinthians 11:26).

in John’s Gospel the story is knit into a chapter full of references to the Manna in the wilderness and God’s deliverance of his People from slavery.

So, take your pick!

Guide me, O thou great Redeemer,
Pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but thou art mighty;
Hold me with thy powerful hand:
Bread of heaven,
Feed me now and evermore.

© Ian Williams 2024.