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Rev’d. Peter is not a plumber! It was so annoying seeing that slow dripping hot tap in the bathroom basin.

The water loss may have been small, but over days? Well, armed with a screwdriver I turned the tap off at the valve on the hose that brings in the water. Now just wait for a plumber. It is hardly an analogy that can be pushed hard, but as I was thinking about.

that dripping tap, my mind turned to how we can so often ‘turn off’ the Holy Spirit as He tries to supply us (the tap) with his unique power. A life lived close to God will never be dull or predictable.

Each day we can expect surprises! It is so easy to search for the easiest route through the day. Our desire should be to say ‘What have you for me today, Lord?’ No matter how steep the path before us, the safest place is by His side.

The great and late preacher John Sott the minister at All Souls church, Langham Place, said that each morning I get out of bed I say ‘‘Please Lord fill Me with your Holy Spirit, because I leak’’. It may well be a prayer we could all offer!

© Rev Peter Walker 2025.